952-Q-247    247. Brother Branham, here is a question that's been sort of puzzling to several of us here. One on--on (pardon me) on some tapes you speak only of the Jews being saved after the Bride is raptured. (And it's a line across.) Please explain fully about the Gentiles that don't go in the rapture. I thought you said that the Gentiles that were left went through the tribulation and gave their lives for a testimony of Jesus. When He returns from the Gentiles to the Jews--when He turns from the Gentiles to the Jews, then there isn't any more chance for the Gentiles being saved, just the Gentiles who have been saved, but not received their last day truth will go in the tribulation period and then be saved in the end. Is this right? Please explain, because you said that there would be just a small number go in the rapture. What about the people that believed in the Lord--believes in the Lord now and the way--and don't believe the way you preach for this end-time-day Message? Will they be saved? And then the sister signed her name.

Now, very good question. Now, the first place, the confusion is, is what I have said about the Gentile's days be done when the tribulation--in the tribulation. Now, I do not see the Gentiles in the Bible... The Gentile Bride, Bride, not the Gentile church now, the Gentile church will go through the tribulation period (See?), but not for their... See, the Bride is the elected; they go through nothing but the rapture. They're just changed and taken out of the world. See? Now, I'll explain that in a further question here, bringing it from Luther up, and you'll see then what it means; it's the maturing of the body. See?
Now notice. Now, the Jews that's left is the one who will be preached to by the two prophets, Elijah and Moses.

  952-147    Now, this is my own thoughts, minister brethren, in my own way that I feel the Holy Spirit has revealed to me.
Now, the next thing is to happen is the Jewish--or the Gentile elected Bride to be caught up with the rest of the Gentile elected Bride that's been down through the ages--be caught up in the Presence of Christ in the heavens. The dead raises; the ones that's alive and remain is changed; and they're caught up together in the air to meet the Lord. Then, because...
After the wedding ceremony in glory, Jesus--after that has caught up into the skies, Jesus returns onto the earth and makes Hisself known to His people in the type of like Joseph made hisself known to his brothers. And his wife, no Gentile was present, nobody but Joseph alone, when he made hisself known to his brethren. All understand that now?

  953-150    He sent... Even his wife was in the palace, the type that the Bride will be in the palace in glory at that time. Then Jesus makes Hisself known to the Jews (See?) after the wedding ceremony, the 3 1/2 years, and--and--and Jacob's trouble, that 3 1/2 years, the end of the seventieth week of Daniel. The Messiah's to be cut off in the midst of the... And He prophesied 3 1/2 years and was cut off. Then there's 3 1/2 years left yet for the prophets Moses and Elijah, and then at the end of their seventy days as yet determined upon the people, as Daniel said; then at the end of that seventy days, Jesus is to make Hisself known to them. He's that Prince that should come to the Jews. See?

  953-151    Now, and then at that time... See, the Gentile Bride is in heaven, and the sleeping virgin, the Gentile virgin, is not to be saved during that time; she's already been saved, but has been rejected in the Bride. And she only goes through the tribulation period for the time of purification, because she has rejected Christ, the Word, for her purification. Then she has to suffer for her deeds, but the Bride who has become the Word, a complete atonement was made of Christ, 'cause He is the Word. That body was rended, and when that body was rended, the Bride was in that body, because It's all the Word. Amen. You see it?

  953-152    When Jesus suffered in that body, He suffered... 'Cause a man and a woman are one person. Eve was taken out of Adam, and the Church... What happened? God opened up the side of--of Adam and took out of there a helpmate, the bride. And God opened up the side of Jesus at Calvary and took out the Bride. See? And when Jesus died at Calvary...
Remember, the Bride was not taken from the body until the body was dead. He'd already died, and they was going to break His legs. And the prophet said, "There'll not be one bone broken." So they done drawed back the hammer to break a leg, and a man run up with a spear and pushed it through His heart; and water and Blood came forth; He was already dead. She was already redeemed in the body by His death, so there's no more suffering tribulation period for the Bride. See? She goes in. But the Gentile church that just believe on Him and take the denominational creeds and so forth...

  954-153    And still like this poor person said: "My husband and son, they still love the things of the world and things like that"... See, they haven't accepted that redeeming, for when you do, it cleanses you automatically. "He that's borned of God does not commit sin." There's no desire, nothing in him for the things of the world.
Jesus said, "He that loves the world (Kosmos now), or the things of the world, the love of God's not even in him." He's not in love with the Groom. See? Therefore, she has to pay that penalty, and not... She's not saved during that time; she's saved now from eternal death; but she will have to go through the tribulation period for the purification. See what I mean? Now, now, that--I believe that settles that question. Let's see, there's something else here.

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