William Addo Mullings              

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  1012-Q-286    286. Brother Branham, is it (Let's see.)... for a person who has a--who has a living, divorced mate who remarry before coming unto the Message to minister?

Well, in I Timothy 3:2, if you want to put that down, and Titus 1 to 6 (I wrote that one down.), I want you to read that for this question. See? If a man--if a man desires the office of a bishop or a preacher (something another in church), he's got to have just one wife. That's right. A minister... Now, that's I Timothy 3:2, and Titus 1 to 6. Now, Titus 1 to 6, yeah. All right. Now, notice that the Bible said that that man that's a minister in the house of God will have one wife. Now.


  E-23    Oh, if we just had a moment. Let's just turn to 1 Corinthians 13 here just a moment and listen what Paul's got to say about it right here.

 Though I speak with tongues of men and angels, and have not charity... (which is love)... I am become as a sounding brass, and an a tinkling cymbal.
 ... though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all the mysteries, and know all the knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could move mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

Listen to that stern old apostle drive it into this sensational church who's basing their hopes upon sensation. Now, this is Sunday school. This is a place of correction. This is a place of teaching. And woe unto the man that'll stand in the pulpit and mislead. Brother, it's time that we've made Scripture compare with Scripture. That's right.

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