You believe the Devil can use your tongue? Certainly he does:

  E-40    He'd come all the way from glory tonight to manifest Hisself to
heal any person that's in here. That's the loving heart of the Lord Jesus.
And when this maniac met Him, he run out there, I suppose, like he was going to kill Him. But He seen he was so completely... That boy was so completely surrendered to Satan till the Devil used his tongue.

You believe the Devil can use your tongue? Certainly he does: Make you say things that you don't want to say, make you lie, steal, make you tell things that's not right, say bad words that God don't want you to say. The Devil gets complete control of you.
Well, then if he gets all the way control of you, you don't know what you're going to say. You become a mad man. And a person... Do you believe your tongue can be used for Jesus Christ? Certainly it can.

  E-41    Then you sing the Gospel, preach the Gospel, and--and speak good things, and talk good things, and say good words. Then you can--can come--become so completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit till He can speak a language that you know nothing about. That's right. He can. 

  488-84    But there was a little bitty, stoop-shouldered Fellow come down the road one day, kinda bent down (The Bible said there was no beauty we should desire Him, thirty years old and pass for fifty.), walking down the road one day, and he run out to meet Him. Said, "I'll just take that little fellow and wind him around." But, oh, my, when he met that One, he fell at His feet. And them devils so possessed him... Now, look. That day... He was so possessed with the devil...
Now, this, I want to put this in to--for you. He was--that man was so completely yielded to the devil, till the devil used his tongue to talk. Now, you can be so completely yielded to God till God can use your tongue to talk. That's right. That's what I claim. Any sermon that I ever preached that had any meaning to it, is when I got yielded, got William Branham out of the way, and Christ could take in and start talking. See? And He can speak in a language.

  488-86    Now, notice. He was so possessed of that evil spirit, and that spirit had him so close till... Them demons knowed their time had come, because they had met Love. See? And they said, "We'll try him." And all... Now, notice what taken place. He said, "Why, we know who you are. Why, you in that little bitty body like this, little frail-looking fellow?" Said, "Why are you coming like that?" Said, "We know who you are. You're the holy one of Israel, and why do you..."
Now, watch. If you don't believe that there's a future torment for devils, listen to these confess it. "Why comest thou to torment us before the time comes?" They know there's a future torment. "Why comest thou to torment us before the time comes." See?
And Jesus said, "What's your name?" He knowed; He wanted them to confess it.
Said, "We're Legion, for there's many of us." He said, "If you're going to cast us out of this man..."

  E-27    This poor maniac out there in the graveyard. That's where a lot of churches go, right to the graveyard.
Then when he got out of there, cutting himself. When they get away from Lord Jesus, they do. And Jesus crossed the sea to bring deliverance to this one poor man. And as soon as this maniac saw Him, he run to Him and fell down, and he was so submitted to the devil till the devil used his tongue.
You can be submitted to the devil, and he will use your tongue. If you'd be submitted to God, God will use your tongue. And He can get control of you. But you first you have to let Him get control of you.
Now if you're cursing and damning and going on like the sinners does, the devil's got you in complete sway. Let God have a hold of you one time and watch what you're going to say.

  E-28    Oh, how wonderful. Then this maniac run down to Him and the Lord Jesus rebuked them spirits. And a lot of people say that religion will run you crazy, not the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ won't. It'll give you your right mind. And you're not in your right mind until you have met the Lord Jesus. That's true.

  E-49    But he--he would do it just to be mean to make me feel bad. You know, there's people like that in the world, will just make fun of you just to make you feel bad, say something evil about you. It isn't a person; it's the devil in that person. That's all. That person loves his wife just the same as you love yours and so forth, likes to eat, and sleep, and drink, and--and be sociable, and things... But they just do it because the devil has control of them.
That maniac in Gadara, that man loved and everything, but he was so possessed of the devil, until the--the devil used his tongue to speak, "We know thee, thou holy one of God. Why do you come to torment us?" That wasn't that man; it was the devil using his voice.
And a man can be so full of God, till God can use your voice, too. Did you ever notice a maniac, take several men to hold him; his power's so great, because he's so possessed with the devil. This man could break chains. If the devil can give a man that much power, how much more can He can give you in these wheelchairs, power of His Spirit to rise? Wheelchairs or nothing could hold you, if God really gets a hold, not when a preacher gets a hold. But when God gets a hold something takes place. Now, I'm not beside myself; I know right where I am. But I just feel religious.
If God really could take a hold of this church tonight, what would take place? He's here. His Spirit is here. He wants to do it. He longs to do it. If we'll just let Him. "I can if you will."

  107    But they couldn't keep this woman with no one. Taken about eight or ten men to bring her in. They couldn't bring her in an ambulance. They wouldn't put her in an ambulance. And they sent someone up there in a car, and she kicked all the glasses out of the car, and them men trying to hold her in the car. And there she was, laying on her back. Doctor had give her some shots for premature change of life had run her into this. And there she was, laying on her back.
And I said, "Well, I will walk out and see if I feel any vibrations."
He said, "Brother Branham, don't you go out there." Said, "She'd kill you." I said, "Oh, I think not," just like that.
And I walked out. She was laying there, looking at me, kind of batting her eyes, staring. And I said, "Good evening." She never said a word. I took a hold of her hand. I said, "Good evening."
Said, "She don't even know her own name, Brother Branham. She hasn't known for two years."

  112    And I took a hold of her hand. And just by God's blessing I happened to be on the guard. She just gave me a jerk with both hands, like that, and she would've probably broke the bones of my body. And I threw my foot out and caught her right across the bosom. She just pulled me way down. I jerked away from her. And then when I run from her to get on the steps, I seen a sight that I've never seen before. That woman, with her two limbs sticking up in the air, like this, come chasing me, on her back, like a snake. You could hear her crawling like that, on the floor.
Now, that's the devil. You can say other, what you desire, but that woman was bound by the devil. She came to me on her back, like a serpent, and she got up there and she hit against the side of the floor like that. She turned around, put her big strong limbs up against... kicked like that. There was a bench setting there. She hit it with her head; the blood flew out of the side of her head. And--and she knocked a piece of it off. And she grabbed it in her hand, threw it at her husband and struck the wall. And the plastering fell from the wall, where she hit it with such a terrific... Maniac, twenty times her strength, probably... And there that great... She was a good size, strong woman, anyhow.

  114    And then she started making a real funny noise, going, "E-e-e-e-e-e, eeeeee," like that.
I looked at her, and I thought "Why, I've never seen nothing... God have mercy on a poor human being bound like that."
And the man commenced to crying. He walked over and put his hands around, his arms around me, said, "Brother Branham, now you say there's no vibration?" Said, "And I don't know what I'm going to go." He just broke down, to crying. He said, "She's got five little children at home." And said, "I--I... She's been a good woman." Said, "She harrowed these old clods and helped me to raise cotton crops." And said, "When she taken sick," said, "I've done everything that I could do. I--I sold my farm." And said, "In order to get her here, Brother Branham, I had one thing left, a pair of mules. And I sold them to get the brother to bring her two hundred miles, to bring her down here. And now she's kicked the glasses out of the car, that's why her limbs are bleeding." Said, "She hasn't been off her back for two years, and don't even know her own name."
I said, "Well, brother, sure, God can heal her."

  116    And about that time she turned around. She said, "William Branham, you have nothing to do with me. I brought her here."
He said, "Why..."
I said, "That's not her. That's that devil speaking out of her." That's right. They recognize. They know.
He said, "Why, Brother Branham, that's the first word she spoke in two years."
I said, "The devil's just using her lips, just like it was in the case of legion."
She come crawling over that way to me, said, "You ain't got nothing to do with me," crawling like that.

  121    I said, "Brother, do you believe the story that you heard me tell about the coming of that Angel?"
He said, "With all my heart," he said, as he threw his arms around me.
I walked to the corner step, and I prayed with all my heart to the Lord Jesus. I said, "God, look at that poor woman, five little innocent children at home, no mother, one suckling baby." I said, "What can happen? O God, have mercy." And the Spirit of the Lord came. And I asked the devil to leave the woman.
Turned back around, I said, "Now do you believe it?"
He said, "With all my heart. What shall I do with her, Brother Branham?"
I said, "Take her back. Take her right on back to the sanatorium." I said, "If you don't doubt one thing that I've told you, watch what'll happen."

  126    Two months after then, I was at Jonesboro, Arkansas, there where many things was being happening. Some twenty-eight thousand people had gathered into the city. And I was speaking, and I seen, pressing or waving their hands at me, some woman. She said, "Don't you recognize me, Brother Branham?"
I said, "No, ma'am." She was setting out like that, and everyone...
Said, "I... You all, all of you excuse me." She said, "I just wanted to see you."
And I seen somebody laughing; it was her husband. And there she was setting there just as normal and in her right mind, with her five little children, just as perfect as she could be.
They'd taken her back. She never kicked the car one time, going back. They put her back in the padded cell. The second morning, they went in to feed her, and she was setting up. And on the fourth, third or fourth morning, they dismissed her as a well person, and sent her home to her children. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

  131    Look, friends, demons recognize God's power sometimes before ministers do and Christians. Did you know that? Many times... Read the Bible.
When the priest said it, "Oh, He is Beelzebub."
The devil said, "We know who you are, the Son of God, the Holy One of Israel." Is that right?
You remember when Paul and Silas, when the ministers said they were impostors, that little old fortuneteller said they were men of God, who had the way of Life.

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