E-103    "How do..." You say, "How do you know those things?" Well, let me tell you something. "Brother Branham, are you prophesying?" I'm not exactly prophesying. But when a doctor examines a patient, he sees the symptoms, he knows what's going to happen. I'm reading out of the doctor's Book, and I see the symptoms working in the Pentecostal church and I know where she's headed.
Stop it. Quit. Come back. God help you. Don't go that way, people. Can't you see what I'm trying to do? I'm burning my life up to try to save you from this crazy thing you're running into. Day after day, year after year, I cry myself out, and you think I'm your enemy. I'm your brother. Come back. Don't go that way. Don't you see what happened when the others went that way? 

  E-96    You believe Him? Let us bow our heads just a moment. If you haven't got that Absolute now, get It. If you'd like to have that Absolute, that assurance in your heart of the Holy Spirit, raise your hand, say, "I want something that'll punctuate the Word of God, and I can see the Word of God made manifest." God bless you. It's all over the building. Thank you.
I'm only telling you the truth, friend. Don't let it pass by you. I'm not claiming... I'm nothing. I'm your brother. Don't you pay any attention to a messenger. You watch the message. Don't watch the messenger. God will take it away from you. He'll share His glory with nobody. That's right. Don't you watch the messenger; watch the message. If a man ran in here, he might be black, yellow, brown, ragged, if he's got a check for you for a bank draft for a million dollars, you wouldn't care what color he was or how he was dressed. It's the message he has for you.
Now, don't look at my grammar and--and the things. You just remember I'm telling you about Jesus Christ Who's here now. You believe Him with all your heart. Don't you fail to believe Him.

  E-12    Well, if I had to have twenty or thirty thousand dollars a day to operate a business... If I get enough for my three children, and my wife, and myself to eat, and a place to sleep, that's good enough for me. Then if the Lord wants me to go somewhere to these little humble places, then I can go. Maybe He kept me that way. See?
I couldn't meet men that they meet. I haven't that intelligence. I haven't the education. So I go pray for His sick children, and hoping that someday in the palaces above that we can all meet again, where there'll never have to be sick, no more prayer meetings, or no preaching to the sinners. Until that time I'm your brother in Christ.

  262    Now, may the Lord God come and speak of what I spoke of Him. That simple faith, now, God in heaven knows (See?), just believing that... When He met me up there, He told me that. And here I stand tonight; I stand, I guess there is three--three hundred people or more in here. And I--I--I have stood before a half a million and make the challenge around the world. And He won't... He don't... He's God. This... It's not what I've said; it's what He said. It's His Word.
Now, I want everyone to keep just reverently, while the--it's going on, if it does. Now, if it doesn't, if He doesn't come, then there's not one thing I can do but to maybe start a prayer line, lay hands on the sick, and pray for them, and go on home. But that's all I can do. I cannot... I'm a man. I'm your brother. See?

  246    But you people who believe Him, and believe that you can touch Him, I'm going to ask you something. Now, I'm your brother, just a--a--a man, just like your husband, or your brother, or your pastor, just a man. And now, there--it's not out in some dark room, like some devil. And the devil don't do that anyhow. Did you ever hear a devil preach the Gospel, get souls saved and healed? "If Satan can cast out Satan, then his kingdom's divided against himself," Jesus said. No.

  107    And now if your--if your denomination has closed the door to such a Message, and such a Messenger. Not me; I'm your brother, fellow servant with you. But the Messenger is the Holy Spirit expressing Himself through a--a human beings, the Church that Christ sanctified for this very purpose.

But the Lord sent me to pray for His sick children. And in there, what I do know about Him, I love to express it with all my heart. If I make mistakes, you pray for me. I'm not infallible. I'm your brother. And now, I trust that God has done something; if He hasn't, may He do it yet tonight, speak some word or something that'll cause you to believe on Him.

TOKEN.THE_  JEFF.IN  V-2 N-19  SUNDAY_  63-0901M
  34-2    There we all are. Everything is pointed up exactly the truth. I have not lied to you. I have told you the truth. God has testified that I've told you the truth. Now, remember, I'm your brother; I'm a man. See? I'm just a man, just like you all; but somebody's got to bring it; somebody's got to say it. That wasn't my choice; it was His choice. And I've told you the truth, and He's testified right back that it is the truth.
When we see these things upon the earth today, oh, people, this is the last hour. Get that Token over you, quickly as you can, or you get in the Token; get in the Token.

INFLUENCE_  NY.NY  V-18 N-9  THURSDAY_  63-1114
  219    I'm your brother. But He said, "The works that I do, shall He all--you do also." Is that what He said? All right.

  1134-327    Now, the same God that revealed that, is the same God that told me about your marriage and divorce. When He says those things, my brother, sister... I'm your brother, a man.

  159    Oh, woman, just pass your modern thinking of dress, pass your modern thinking... Before you go out on the street before men... You young women, you old women, before you go out on the street with your clothes so tight, pushed out in the back and front... I'm not critical; I'm your brother.

  107    Listen, brother, sister, each one of us is going to walk that road that Florence walked. I ask you, in Jesus' Name, to consider this. Not consider me, I'm your brother. That--that isn't it. Consider the Word that I am speaking of God's Bible. And look through, perfectly vindicated in God's Own Word, in the age we're living in, where we're at.

  99    She said... One woman said, "Well, you said the truth; you can't--you can't buy it." But they still sell goods and have sewing machines (See?), so there's no excuse at all. See? It goes to show, sister... I'm your brother, and I'm a servant to Christ that's got to answer at the judgment bar for what I say here tonight. See? You're going to stand guilty of adultery, because that the love of God has leaked out of your heart. You still go to church. You might still dance in the Spirit, and you might still speak with tongues. And them things are fine, but that's not it yet. No, sir.

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