E-128    You raise your head. I'm going to ask you something. Excuse my rough way of speaking. I--I don't know no other way, friend. The only way I know to do is just what He tells me. I--I say it. And I--I'm just kind of... You know, I just do the best that I can. You've been used to listening to scholars, polished scholars who can hold their text together. I didn't know what I was going to say when I come up here. I just have to say it the way it is, but I know it's the truth, 'cause it comes from God. I didn't write it on paper. And I--I love you.
I didn't--don't scold you to make you angry with me. I--I do that for your correction. And any true daddy would correct his children; certainly he would. And I knew you were setting here and fifty or more hands went up that you needed the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Brother, sister, without that you'll perish as sure the world. Don't come short of that. And look. My Bible over my heart, I've tried to be sincere.

  E-37    Did you ever know, that every son that cometh to God, must first--first be tried, whipped, child whipping correction? It's not easy. When God gives you a whipping, you go out here and say, "Well, I'll mingle around a little bit." God will give you a real old fashion spanking for it. And I tell you, if we had more of that in the natural today, we'd have better children. God wants His household straightened out. So He gives you a little whipping, so you can get straightened up. Makes you love Him more.
My father used to give me whippings, and I thought, "Oh, my." I wished I could call the old gray-headed brother, father of mine, back from the other lands today. I would respect every whipping he ever give me. I never got even as much as I needed. I thought so then, but I don't now, because it corrected me. Though he didn't do right himself, yet he wanted me to do right. Amen.

  E-38    He wants us to. If the earthly parents wants us to do well, what about our heavenly Parent the Lord Jesus? He has to correct us. And the Scripture says, "If we cannot stand chastisement, or a whipping, child-correction, then we become illegitimate children and not the children of God." See?
If you're really born again, get it now, if you're really born again, there's nothing can separate you from God. That's right. "Neither starvation, perils, trials, suffering, death, nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus."
You say, "Well, I started to be a Christian one time. Everything begin going this way, and that way, and I thought, 'My, I was better off the other way.'" You never did come to God, brother. If you ever really come to God, and got a taste of the heavenly gifts of God, partakers of His Divine nature, why, you could no more become a sinner again, unbeliever, than a stalk of corn could become a cocklebur. That's right.

  E-69    God bless you, pastors. And take these words as correction. Don't never let nothing take the place of love in your church. When you do, it's gone, brother. If it's built upon anything else besides the love of God, it's got to fail. That's right. We believe in healing; we believe in miracles; we believe in signs, but that has very little to do with it. Unless the Holy Spirit is in there to keep you humble, keep you sweet, keep you in the Bible, then it won't do you much good to have them. That's right.

  E-23    Oh, if we just had a moment. Let's just turn to 1 Corinthians 13 here just a moment and listen what Paul's got to say about it right here.

 Though I speak with tongues of men and angels, and have not charity... (which is love)... I am become as a sounding brass, and an a tinkling cymbal.
 ... though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all the mysteries, and know all the knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could move mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

Listen to that stern old apostle drive it into this sensational church who's basing their hopes upon sensation. Now, this is Sunday school. This is a place of correction. This is a place of teaching. And woe unto the man that'll stand in the pulpit and mislead. Brother, it's time that we've made Scripture compare with Scripture. That's right.

  E-8    And then again we wonder in the Scriptures, when it's written, "All things work together for good to them that love God." And many times when maybe the lash of His correction is laying upon us, we wonder how that it could be working for the good. But after it's all over, then we look back and we praise Him for it because He knows; we do not. We just act obedient to His Word and to His chastising. He never did chastise us unless we had need of it. And sometimes we might think that we wasn't guilty, but He knows... Maybe we are not, but He knows just how to do it to make it all work good. And what a--a beautiful thing it is just to lay your life in His hands and say, "Here am I, Lord. Just use me now; lead me, and guide me, and direct me in the way that would be pleasing unto Thee." And then don't murmur. No matter what the path is, stay with it anyhow, and God will work it all right. "The footsteps of the righteous is ordered by the Lord." And that Scripture is true.

  E-49    Bible said, "Ye are the salt of the earth." The salt's a saviour if it contacts. But if it's lost its strength, no matter how much it contacts...
That's where the Church is. That's what's the matter. They have lost their brotherly love. They've lost the feeling for one another. The world, the peoples are looking for something that's real.
They seen so much mockery, so much put on. People say, "Yes, I'm a Christian. I believe in Divine healing," and then act different. Say, "I'm a Christian," go out and put on them kind of clothes. Say, "I'm a Christian," and act--go out and smoke cigarettes, and shoot dice, and do all these other kind of things. Shame on you. That's a...
I--I--I'm not a... I love you. But, brother, I'd rather give you just a little correction now, than when I come to the judgment, you say, "Brother Branham, I'm so glad you done it." It's too late then. What we need is a love and respect for God and for His people. No matter what they belong to, the denomination, as long as they're brothers they're brothers. We need a love for one another. And love will contact when nothing else will do it.

REV.CHAP.5.PART.2_  JEFF.IN  ROJC 747-793  SUNDAY_  61-0618
  40    So that's the thing to always remember to do, is to be reconciled, come to God and go God's way. We've got...
What does that prove to us? Two or three of our brethren that knows that I labored under this other one for two or three years. That's right. But when I come to a place I thought of them men, and I could finally love those men enough to get--get away from it... And I took witnesses, but that didn't work. I had to bring it to the church. And then from the platform last Sunday, I said, "I don't want to hear it one more time. I'm free from it. I turn it over to God (See?), and commit it back to Him."
And immediately shows that those people were... Called it... Now, if they had not been, when they come to the Scripture correction... And a man that can't stand the Scripture correction, he gets all angry and blows up, it shows he's not right with God. That's right. But a genuine saint of God will be reconciled to God by the Word. That's right. And the Word is the correcting way. Those brethren ought to be very thankful to God that...
See, the Bible said that false Christs would rise in the last days and would deceive the very elected if it was possible. But it's not possible. No, sir. The elected was foreordained, so they will not be deceived. You see?

  E-68    Could you imagine a woman stretching herself with a pair of--of these shorts on, walking up and down the streets, when the Bible condemn it? Could you imagine people doing, the--the people today living the way they do, and then saying they got the Holy Ghost?
Why, the very fruits that you bear, people, prove you haven't got it. You're blowing a whistle that you know nothing about. When you're dead, you're dead. When you're alive, you're alive. And old things pass away and every Word of God is punctuated with an "Amen." No matter what your creeds or denomination says, the Bible says it. "Upon this rock I'll build My church; and the gates of hell can't prevail against it," said Jesus. Whew. Amen. I'm guess you think I get angry. I don't. I just get bubbled. See? Love, love is correction. Love is Divine correction. Oh, promise...

  E-99    That's the way God does His. You don't say it to be mean; you say it for love. People's got all things mixed up thinking love is just some little puppy dog something. Love is straight. God is love. God rebukes and chastens because of love. I hope that soaks just as deep as I pretend it to do, see that it's--it's love that corrects; it's love that's corrective. And genuine love will stand correction. But puppy dog pat-on-the-back, and Dr. So-and-so, Bishop So-and-so. Sometimes it makes the Holy Spirit cry within your heart. That's right.

  10-1  {52}    Remember, love is corrective (See?), always. Genuine love is corrective. So you must be able to stand the correction. And mothers know now that there's a place there for your babies. You young kids know different than to run around over the building. See? And you adults know different than to talk and carry on your conversations in the auditorium. See? Don't do that; it's wrong. It isn't pleasing to God.
Jesus said, "It is written: My house shall be made a house of worship, prayer, called the house of prayer by all nations." And they were buying and selling, and He plaited ropes and ran the people out of the auditorium. And we certainly don't want that to happen in this sanctuary here. So let's dedicate our lives, our church, our tasks, our service, and everything we have to the Kingdom of God.

And now He says to His own, "As many as I love, I REBUKE AND CHASTEN." To rebuke is to reprove. To reprove is to 'expose with a view to correction.' Chasten does not mean to punish. It means to "discipline because the subject's amendment is in mind." This is exactly what we find in Hebrews 12:5-11,
 "And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children. My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him; For whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."

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