E-18    Now, Paul speaking here of the valley, or the shadow, rather, the law, being a shadow of good things to come, could never make the worshipper perfect. Then he goes on to show what the perfection is. Now, it's a strange thing that this is so much thought of people; they say, "Well, I'm weak; my faith is not very much; I'm not a very good Christian." That's just what the devil wants you to say. You're just talking his language right then. See? You mustn't never say that. Don't never let your testimony be negative; let it be positive all the time. "I am saved. I have God in my heart. I believe Him with all my heart." Do you believe in Divine healing? "With all of my heart."
Let your--your testimony always and your thoughts, everything... Never permit a negative thought to come in your mind if you can help it. When it starts that, don't entertain it. Well, you say, "I can't help the thoughts from coming." Well, that'll be like the farmer that said he couldn't stop--he couldn't stop the birds from flying over his place, but he could sure stop them from roosting." So that's a--that's a good thing. You see? You can't help the thoughts when they come, but don't--don't--don't entertain them; just pass it on. "No, sir. Jesus Christ is my Saviour; all things are mine by God. And I--I'm going to keep them. I'm going to testify of them."


  E-23    Now, let's look back in the very beginning, in the garden of Eden, after they were taken out of the garden of Eden and the children was born. Cain and Abel, both of those boys, realized that they were mortal, they were dying, and burning down like a candle, and someday must return back to the dust and to the Maker that brought them forth. And they wanted to find favor with God. So they both come to worship.
Here's a little point we might drop in right now, so that you'll truly understand... Now, I think that every person ought to belong to church somewhere. That's a duty for you; you should belong to church. But just belonging to church won't do the job. See? I think everybody ought to worship, ought to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in the singleness of heart, purity of heart, but that just isn't enough. I believe every man ought to have faith in God, predominating faith in God. But yet, that isn't it yet. See? If going to church, belonging to church, paying tithes, worshipping God, and all these things that we do today called religion, God would be unjust to condemn Cain, 'cause He done every bit of it.

  E-24    Cain wasn't as infidel. Cain was a believer. Cain didn't come, saying, "Now, I don't believe there is such a thing as God." Cain--Cain come as a believer. He is trying to find grace with God. And Cain built an altar. An altar is a church, a place of worship. Then Cain built an altar, and not only that, but Cain brought an offering and made a sacrifice. And not only that, but Cain worshipped the Lord. You see it?
Now, you could be--belong to a church, go to the altar and pray, pay your duties and tithes to the church, make spiritual sacrifice, kneel on you knees, confess your faith in God and still be lost. 


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