300 I pray that You'll bless them now. And may this, as we prayed before, Lord, knowing and watching what we ask for, because we don't want to ask amiss, we don't want to ask something that's just to make up words, because we're talking to You.
I ask You to bless our little brother here that opened his door for me to come in tonight. I pray that You'll bless his church and may every one of his members, Lord, just... May this be a lighthouse, a place where the gifts of God are flowing and everything just running smoothly.
Bless every minister that's setting here, their churches. And may there be such a shaking, or a sounding in the mulberry tree, of the Spirit of God crossing Phoenix, and bringing the churches to fellowship and to--and to a great revival, that the ministers won't be able to preach, for the glory of God; but when the saints come together early in the afternoon, the crying and praying, and testifying, and messages, just a real pouring of the Spirit, when the whole city will be attracted to come, listen... Grant it now.
Heal the sick in our midst, Lord. Give to them Divine deliverance, Father, through Jesus Christ's Name.
E-6 Our heavenly Father, we are now coming into the Presence of Jesus, in the--in His Name. And we're going to the throne of grace to ask for pardoning of our sins, 'cause knowing day by day we do fail Thee. Every hour of our life, seldom one passes without we have to stop, say, "Lord, forgive me. I--I didn't mean to do it just that way. I should've done it this--this other way." Then, we know, Lord, that You're always so full of mercy and ready to forgive Your children. You listen to their faintest cry. We're so glad that we have an advocate.
And we pray, Father, tonight for this church, for our beloved brother. All these years around here knowing him, and finding him, his character, a wonderful servant of Christ, how we thank You for a man like that. I... It's such a privilege, Lord, to be among he and his people, and to associate with them, and coming together to fellowship with them around the Word of God. We pray, Lord, that You'll move in on the high tide tonight and will--and will give these blessings. So glad to meet old friends that I knowed years ago in the beginning of the ministry.
And now, Lord, we pray together that You'll bless us as we assembled ourselves together tonight in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We've assembled for that purpose, Lord, and we pray that--that You'll meet our needs tonight, and answer our requests to Thee to heal the sick, save the lost, and encourage those who are discouraged. We ask in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
E-1 Thank you, sir. Very nice to be here tonight. I have waited for this time with a great anticipation. We come to your fair city about six months ago, right after Christmas, and we've been sojourning here with you. And one day while out with Brother Tony Stromei, I... We fell on the idea that it would be nice to get better acquainted before we had to leave. And we thought it would be nice to have a little campaign down here to get the--we all get together and have some fellowship around the Word of God.
1 I'm deem this a great privilege to be here this evening, at this fine gathering of Christian people, to have this opportunity to speak to you of our blessed Lord Jesus, Who we're all here in honor of, to honor Him.
It's nice to be with Brother Tony and Brother Williams, the--the two presidents of the chapter here at--at--at Tucson and also at Phoenix. We had the service up there last Saturday morning, certainly had a grand time there in that Ramada Inn up there. And we expect to have another great time there, beginning the nineteenth of this month, where it's my privilege to go back for an extended service.
We have, I believe it's four nights, beginning the nineteenth. And I think the Business Men's International Convention begins on the twenty-second--twenty-third. I'm there until the twenty-second, and then I have a--a night or two, I think, in the--in their convention. So this is a grand privilege for me to have the opportunity to gather with the Christians around different parts of the country, to express my feeling and love towards Christ, with them, and have the grand fellowship together. Now, I'm sorry I didn't get here to enjoy this fine meal that I know you had. But I think...
3 And it's really been a privilege for me to be in this city, with you people. It's... Why, I just can't express it of how I feel about it. Now, we haven't had overflowing crowds and things, as sometimes we do; but it seems like that God is fixing to do something, or it's settling something, just getting people ready for something, getting the people back on the line where they should be, and to meet these fine pastors, and so forth.
And, then, my privilege of coming here this morning to speak for the Full Gospel Business Men. I understand that the chapter here is still in its infancy. It's very small, and as the brother here said that they needed men.
Well, as many of great fine organizations as--as I have represented around the world, of all the full Gospel, many of the Baptists and the different ones, why, I still belong to one group, and that is the--the Business Men, because it doesn't represent any certain organization. In itself it's--it's inter-evangelical. It just simply doesn't represent nothing but just the full Gospel, and so we are happy for that.
And I think that, you men here of the city, that's... Really, if you believe me to tell you something that's truth, this is the time where that full Gospel businessmen can get together for fellowship. You'll learn things from each other, in such a time on a Saturday morning, to speak...
4 Now, we've had, since Sunday night, or Sunday afternoon, rather, some great times in the Lord, or at least I have. I've had a wonderful time enjoying His blessings, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and with His people.
I--I like to remember that together we are worshipping God. You are an attribute of God, part of God, when you become the son and daughter of God. And God is in you, willing His will, if you'll let Him do it.
So we hope tonight, that every person will forget about the things that's been in the days, and laying everything aside, and just put our hearts right into the service now; not only to this night, but in the coming convention. No doubt many delegates has gathered. And I do see some of the extras tonight on the platform, gathering for the convention that starts tomorrow. And I ask the people who are here for the revival that we've just had, that if it's all possible, I wish you'd stay over for the convention. We're going to have some fine speakers listed. One brother could not come, and--but we got many will be here to take his place. I want to be in the complete convention myself to enjoy this fellowship.
11 This time of fellowship... Old Doctor Bosworth, a friend of mine, many of you might've knowed Brother Bosworth. He was one of the saintliest old men. And he said to me one time, he said, "Brother Branham, you know what fellowship is?"
I said, "I think so, Brother Bosworth."
Said, "It's two fellows in one ship, so they have to share a little bit."
So that's what fellowship is; we take and give, share with each other; with Brother Carl Williams, all the rest, Brother Outlaw. Oh, one of the first people in Arizona that ever sponsored one of my meetings was--was Brother Jimmy Outlaw, and we've been bosom brothers since that time. And we are very happy for all of you, for the ministers and the brethren that we meet around here. I don't have time, shake hands with everybody, as I like to, but it's a fellowship where we get together.
98 There is another nature, a natural, just a natural thirst, in that thirst of the soul. You might say, "Brother Branham, is that soul thirst, is that natural?" Yes, that's natural for a soul to thirst. And it's... For God made you this way, that so that you would thirst for Him. He wants you to thirst after Him. Now, God made you like that. He didn't have to make you like that, but He did do it. And if He hadn't have made you like that, so that you would thirst, there would be an excuse at the judgment bar, say, "I--I--I never did thirst for God." But there's no excuse, you do. You'll make it somewhat; you might make it your wife; you might make it your car; you might make it something else; you might go to church and try to satisfy it. And I have nothing against going to church, but that isn't the satisfaction. It's to find God, the living God, the God of heaven into your soul, that satisfies that longing and thirsting that you long for.
Now. For He made you so you could thirst for Him, for His fellowship. Now, there's a genuine thirst for fellowship. Now, we like to meet with one another. We're doing that tonight. We meet here together tonight because we like to fellowship one with the other. Why do we do that? Because there's something in us that we want to meet one another. That's just natural. And now, we meet on a common ground here; that is, because we're all thirsting for God. See? And then we meet here on this regular, common grounds here of fellowship. In the church tonight here, might be many different denominational views and so forth; but when it comes to that thirst, we can meet on a common ground, one ground: we all thirst. Some might believe in sprinkling, the other one in baptism, and one in pouring, or so forth; but when it comes to the thirst for God, we--we come on one mutual ground. And God made us so that we would do that: thirst for Him and for His fellowship. I don't know anything...
E-8 Pentecost is really not an organization; it's an experience that... We find that our little thoughts that used to be in years gone by--that just one group called the Pentecostals was all that got this blessing; we find that God just tore our little ideas all to pieces. He brought in Catholics, Presbyterian, Methodists, Baptists.
He gave those the Holy Ghost who serve Him, did His will. And He doesn't change. He cannot change. His attitude must always be the same. His decisions are perfect to begin with. He has to alter nothing. His words... He's sovereign. He has not to change anything, and He never does change.
So we're happy this morning that Christ lives. And as the song says, "How do you know He lives? He lives within our hearts." And we know that. We're sure of it.
So approaching the revival, coming on from church to church, and then back here to the Ramada for the convention, let's go with reverence, deep sincerity, humble, praying, and believing God.
E-9 Now, I know we stay a little long each time. But I don't want to do that in these meetings. I want to get in there, and get the people out, and get home, and do what I can for the Kingdom, and take off somewhere, and pray the rest of the night if I want to talk awhile with the Lord, and not hold you up while I'm doing it.
And now, this morning, feel like this breakfast is kind of an opening to the... This is the alpha, and at the last of the convention is the omega of the--of the revival.
And now, let's just bow our heads a moment sincerely, as we approach His throne of grace. And there's no doubt but what there's many requests in here this morning. But while we're praying, and you'd like to be remembered, would you just raise your hand, and hold beneath that the secret that you want God to do for you. Thank you.
E-87 Bless this convention; bless this meeting that's coming on and these church's, these, my brethren, Lord, in the face of opposition, they've called me and ask me to come down and speak in their churches.
O God, light each candle. Grant it, Lord. May there come such a light, such a great revival across Phoenix. Grant, Lord, that this will be done amongst all the churches, and all Your people, in all the places, in all the denominations.
And many of those precious souls out here on the street are looking, and wondering, and waiting to see the Life of Christ being manifested among His people. Grant it, Lord.
We might not be able to influence the whole city. Hardly ever that was ever done, because in there the wheat and tares are together. But, Lord, may we be so enthused that we'll try to light one little candle each day by telling someone else, doing something that'll influence others to know You, and to love You. For to know You is Life. We pray this blessing.
E-3 Now, it's been a grand time, as I repeat, and we've certainly enjoyed ourselves immensely. Now, we are waiting with great anticipation for this coming convention starting tomorrow night. We're expecting a great time. And in this I have tried to lay, in my humble way of doing it, a foundation, kinda get a stir among the people for the revival that's coming up. And now, we got some wonderful speakers coming up in this revival that's at hand now: Brother Velmer Gardner, and some Methodist brother that's supposed to be an outstanding speaker. And then, for that great final wrap at it all is our precious Brother Oral Roberts for next Monday night. And I trust that God will give the brethren such messages that'll send Phoenix to its knees a trembling in the fear of God.
And we've tried hard this week to--to lay a foundation for that, of the soon appearing of the Son of God. And I am believing, and have been teaching, that altogether possible that He could come in this generation now, even this night. We just don't know when it's going to be, but we want to be so prepared that when it does come we will go with Him in the rapture.
E-4 And then we come from there back down to Shreveport, Louisiana, for a convention there with Brother Jack Moore. We was there each Thanksgiving. The three Thanksgivings ago I started a meeting there the Lord did, rather, pardon me--and the revival has never ended since then. Constantly, people are coming in, being saved, and filled with the Holy Spirit constantly since that time, and the revival is continuing on. And we have five days with them.
And then I think with--come back then to--up to Phoenix, to start the 19th at the Ramada inn there. The first... The 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, I think, is a meeting. Usually I go from church to church before the Christian Business Men's convention. But we have trouble with... We start at the first church, then maybe the next one is small, and the people can't get in. And so, we feel, then if I could get the Ramada that seats there, oh, three or four thousand, well, then I can get all of them together, everybody together, and continue for four nights prior to the Full Gospel Business Men's convention. And I'm to be two nights, I think, speak two nights in that, which Brother Roberts and some fine speakers speak at that meeting.
10 And now the nineteenth of this month, I--or next--next month, rather, nineteenth of--of January, I start a revival here, right in this room, the Ramada Inn here, and the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first. And then the twenty-second, I believe, starts the... Twenty-third... I have four nights here in--as a revival. Many of you minister brothers, we're certainly happy to have you with us this morning, and we cordially invite you out to bring your people, the ones especially, that's--that you know here in the city that doesn't know Jesus as their Saviour. And then, secondarily, to those who are sick and--and believes that God answers prayer, we aim to pray for the sick during this time just prior to the great national convention is to be held here beginning the twenty-second. And I'm sure you want to hear that, because there's many outstanding speakers come, and I'm sure you'll have a great time.
4 Now, we've had, since Sunday night, or Sunday afternoon, rather, some great times in the Lord, or at least I have. I've had a wonderful time enjoying His blessings, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and with His people.
I--I like to remember that together we are worshipping God. You are an attribute of God, part of God, when you become the son and daughter of God. And God is in you, willing His will, if you'll let Him do it.
So we hope tonight, that every person will forget about the things that's been in the days, and laying everything aside, and just put our hearts right into the service now; not only to this night, but in the coming convention. No doubt many delegates has gathered. And I do see some of the extras tonight on the platform, gathering for the convention that starts tomorrow. And I ask the people who are here for the revival that we've just had, that if it's all possible, I wish you'd stay over for the convention. We're going to have some fine speakers listed. One brother could not come, and--but we got many will be here to take his place. I want to be in the complete convention myself to enjoy this fellowship.
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